These recent projects highlight the practical applications of AR technology, showcasing its use in training, packaging, and art. From learning life-saving CPR techniques to beer labelling and urban-rural art connections, these experiences created by our Zapworks community, demonstrate the versatility of AR and our tools.
Andre Assalino - Executive Creative Director
We kick the year off with interactive AR examples created by Zappar Creative Studio for Nestle and Panini, as well as an exciting start to the awards season with some new G2 awards.
AR for Packaging: Nestle CPW - Avatar: The Way of Water
Objective: To create an engaging activity to promote AVATAR II that embeds sustainability and fun.
Delivery Method: WebAR
Tools used: Zapworks Universal SDK for Unity
Tracking Type: World tracked
Benefits of AR:
- Promotes sustainability in an engaging way for kids
- More immersive than traditional cereal box games
- Is more sustainable than the original plastic toy rewards
This interactive experience was created by our Zappar Creative Studio for Nestle CPW, to promote the release of the much awaited AVATAR II film. Launched via a QR code on the packaging, fans can get involved by growing and caring for your own pandora plant.
AR for Packaging: Eltronix, Echt AG - Stammheimer Hopfentropfen
Objective: To improve brand experience using AR by combining entertainment and sales in one.
Delivery Method: WebAR
Tools used: Zapworks Universal AR for Three.js
Tracking Type: Curved Surface Tracking
Benefits of AR:
- Tell more engaging brand stories
- Connect customers to the online store
- Build personal rapport with customers
- Aid in the customer buying decision
This experience was created by Zapworks partners Eltronix in partnership with Echt, together they were able to use AR to make a simple beer bottle engaging and interactive.
Designed to communicate brand story, once scanned the bandits head on the label comes to life and informs the user about the beer’s history and the important role he plays in it. At the end of the experience, the user is linked directly to the website.
AR for Entertainment: Panini x Carrefour Belgium - ‘Closer to the Red Devils’
Objective: To create an app that accompanies the Panini’s collectable football stickers.
Delivery Method: APP
Tools used: Zapworks Studio
Tracking Type: Image Tracked
Benefits of AR:
- Adds interactivity to passive print
- Creates viral promotional content
- Aids in customer buying decision
- Enhances user engagement
Get closer to the Belgium red devils with this interactive experience created by Zappar Creative Studio. Built to add a layer of interactivity to football stickers, by downloading the app users can scan the cards and bring their favourite players to life.
AR for Learning and Development : Yondr - No Heart, No Glory
Objective: To educate football fans about the importance of CPR and provide training.
Delivery Method: WebAR
Tools used: Zapworks Universal SDK Three.js
Tracking Type: World Tracked
Benefits of AR:
- Allows fans to interact with the experience both at home as well as at games
- Aids to educate on a life saving topic
- Improved memory retention (70% higher than non AR)
Zapworks partner Yondr created this interactive experience for football club Brugge and their sponsor Unibet to help educate people on the importance of CPR. demonstrating resuscitation techniques in a safe environment.
To promote the experience before the game the players took to the pitch in a special shirt that said ‘no heart, no glory’ and four booths were set up for fans to scan the experience and get involved with the #savelives movement.
AR for Events: Austen Camille, zyntroPICS inc. - Farm/ART DTOUR
Objective: To bring artwork to life in an engaging and sustainable way.
Delivery Method: WebAR
Tools used: Zapworks Designer
Tracking Type: Image tracking
Benefits of AR:
- Enhanced user engagement
- Is true to the sustainability messaging
- Helps communicate a complex story with multiple elements
This experience was created for the 2022 Wormfarm Institute’s Farm/Art DTour, a 50-mile driving tour through rural Wisconsin (think corn fields, red barns, cows), with stops along the way featuring art, performance and food.
The experience, created by artist Austen Camille, consisted of a large-scale painting, scaled and designed to look like a billboard. The painting itself depicted a landscape and range of species that were either endangered or extinct in this particular region of Wisconsin. Users saw the transition of the past landscape through to the present, and onward to a potential future landscape. The future described through AR includes polycultural crop systems, a diversity of plant and animal species - a hopeful climate if the right choices are made.
Zapworks News
An exciting start to the year for Zappar as we have won 6 G2 awards. G2 receives reviews everyday on software from their community and we are really proud to have been recognised for providing our customers with best-in-class products and experiences.
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Marketing Executive, Zappar