Expertise: Strategy Consultation, Creative Concepting, Design, Development, Technology Platform, Optimisation
Deployment Method: WebAR
Deliverables: UI/UX flow, 3D modeling, AR Development, QA testing, Hosting, Analytics
The Brief
NBC Universal, the world’s leading media and entertainment companies, needed a flexible and engaging retail campaign to harness the excitement around Jurassic World Dominion’s movie release in order to help secure more prominent space at retail and drive sales of their consumer products (toy merchandise).
Zappar Creative Studio designed and developed a flexible AR experience that could be run and customized across multiple retailers in global markets. This experience brought dinosaurs to life in AR and enabled consumers to create their own Jurassic World diorama.
AR Objectives
Secure additional promotion support at key retailers during the sell-in negotiations.
To increase the sales of the Jurassic World products and promote the launch of the Jurassic World film.
To launch effectively across multiple retailers and markets.
To create an engaging experience for both the retail and home environments
To inspire creativity and imagination.
AR Solution
The base of the Jurassic World Dominion A.R. experience was made up of:
- 6 3D Jurassic World Dominion Dinosaurs to place in your world
- 4 different Jurassic World Dominion 3D scenes to also place in your world
- 4 variations of Jurassic World Dominion dioramas to create
It also contained the following flexible features:
- Some retailers had access to exclusive dinosaurs
- The option to unlock all 4 scenes via just 1 QR code
- The option to unlock a new scene each week
- The option to unlock the scenes in a treasure hunt around the store or on e-commerce sites.
Designed to be launched across multiple retailers and markets, Zappar Creative Studio created a modular experience, this allowed retailers that picked up the experience the flexibility to customize it in the way most suitable for their store. Making the experience adaptable allowed it to feel unique from store to store which proved to be a success amongst customers. This included branding, with every individual retailer having their logo appear on the introduction screen and social pictures. Retailers could also customize the flow of their experience depending on the size of their store.
This experience was deployed via WebAR removing the barrier to entry for customers as well as making the transition from the in store experience to at home experience seamless.
The AR experience allowed retailers to create an instore treasure hunt with up to 4 markers around the store. Encouraging customers to walk around the store searching for the different markers, ensuring in store dwell time and exposure to a range of products. Once customers have completed the treasure hunt the ‘Build Your Own’ level is unlocked and they get the chance to build their own Jurassic World scene, with the different environments they collected in the treasure hunt.
The ‘Build Your Own’ scene offered digital landscapes that reflected the scenes from the movie including City, Market, Forrest, Snow and from there customers could create a static diorama drawing from beautiful pre-prepared assets such as dinosaurs, trees, architectural assets, vehicles etc that bring the scene to life. They could also choose from 7 different animated 3D dinosaur models that can be swapped into select environments. At the end of the experience, users would be able to capture their creations by snapping a photo. Multiple callouts to the film trailer and the Jurassic live app were also included.
If retailers did not have space for multiple activation points they had the option of a single poster that launched the ‘Build Your Own’ scene experience.
To allow for long tail interaction the experience was accessible at home as well as in store. The at home experience included the retailer branding and customers were able to pause their ‘Build Your Own’ experience and continue creating or start a whole new one at home. As this is a world-tracked experience, customers can launch the experience and place the digital content on the floor or table in their real world environment.
Project Outcomes
The experience was picked up by over 30 retailers across 22 markets and exceeded expectations, with sales teams reporting an uplift in incremental space secured (poster sites, windows and prominent product shelving). Zappar’s AR solution also boosted engagement with an average dwell time of over 5 minutes which resulted in increased retail sales

Marketing Executive, Zappar