Carrefour Spain: Star Wars

April 2018

Awakening the force in shopper loyalty promotions with Carrefour and augmented reality

This was no lukewarm campaign. 

Forming a rebel alliance with TCC and Carrefour Spain we used the (AR) force to bring their limited edition Star Wars Force Attax collectible cards over from the dark side. 

Far, far away at Zappar HQ we created eight AR-enabled cards for users to discover (if they were wookie). Bringing the Star Wars universe to life, users were able to scan each of the eight cards using the Mi Carrefour Spain app, unlocking unique AR experiences based on each of the characters. Driving installs and usage of their own app is a key reason so many retailers are investing in AR.

The app generated 22,500 unique users with an average dwell time of 137 seconds, totaling 175 days spent interacting with the AR Kenobi serious?