Tilly's Shonduras AR Scavenger Hunt

December 2017

Bringing interactivity and adventure to Tilly’s stores

Tilly’s are the leading skatewear retailer in the US with over 220 stores. Partnering with YouTube influencer, Shonduras, Tilly’s wanted to drive footfall in and around the store in a fun and engaging way. The scavenger hunt took place over a two week period in the summer of 2017. Over 80% of vouchers were redeemed (highest ever rate for this retailer).


“The entire campaign drove downloads of the mobile app, and the mobile app provided an experience in the store. It was a great 360-degree campaign.” — Jon Kubo, chief digital officer for Tilly's


In the media

“The in-store scavenger hunt is another twist on the idea of motivating offline behaviour with an online campaign, bridging the two landscapes that many marketers are working to connect as consumers grow increasingly attached to their mobile devices.”— Mobile Marketer