Feeling good, looking good: The importance of UX & UI design in AR
17:25 - 18:15 GMT | 09th Nov
Join Zappar Customer Success Manager (Sheridan Darko-Defoe) and Customer Support Engineer (Dapo Ajisafe) as they talk all things UX & UI design with a panel of experts. They will be sharing practical advice for creating AR experiences that add real value, as well as common UI/UX mistakes to avoid.
Paola Fiorio
Senior Content Manager, Viewtoo
Dapo Ajisafe
Customer Support Engineer, Zappar
Sheridan Darko-Defoe
Customer Success Manager, Zappar
Tim Wickham
Senior Motion Designer / Animator / AR Designer, PinPoint Media
Frans Tihveräinen
CEO and AR Designer, flyAR Augmented Reality Studio Oy